For maintainers#

This section covers instructions and descriptions of helper functionality for maintainers of the ABCD-J data catalog, or for users who have the necessary technical expertise to contribute metadata to catalog themselves.

The catalog setup#


Coming soon! This section will explain the design of the ABCD-J catalog, how it is put together using different tools, and the requirements for maintaining or contributing to the catalog.

Adding/updating catalog metadata#


Coming soon! This section will explain how to use provided Python scripts to extract and add new metadata to the ABCD-J catalog, or how to update existing metadata

Generating a file list#

As mentioned in the user Instructions, the optional files category lists one or more files that form part of the dataset, with recognized properties:

  • path[POSIX] (required)

  • size[bytes] (optional)

  • checksum[md5] (optional)

  • url (optional)

While such a list of files can be created manually, this becomes tedious and time consuming for datasets with many files. It is possible to use scripts to automatically generate a full file list for a given dataset. Such scripts need to generate a TSV file with the recognized properties and in the format specified in the user Instructions.

Since datasets can be stored in different formats, hosted in different locations, and be accessed in different ways, it is unlikely that a single script can generalize a way in which to generate a file list. We supply a script that currently supports two options via arguments:

  1. A folder with files, stored on local or server storage

  2. A DataLad dataset, stored on local or server storage


Customizations to support e.g. git repositories or compressed files are also possible

Hence, it is firstly important to identify whether the script will be run on a DataLad dataset, or some files on a file system.

Before running the scripts#

First ensure that you have a recent version of Python on your machine. Then make sure you have the data-catalog code available locally:

git clone

For running the script on a folder with files, you do not need to install any further requirements.

For running the script on a DataLad dataset, please install requirements with pip

cd data-catalog
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the scripts#

The script can then be run as follows:

python3 code/ --method <glob | tree> --output <path-to-output-directory> <path-to-dataset-location>


  • <glob | tree> should be the selected method: glob for a folder with files, or tree for a DataLad dataset

  • <path-to-output-directory> is where the TSV file named files@tby-ds1.tsv will be written to

  • <path-to-dataset-location> is the location of the dataset (folder with files or DataLad dataset)

This will generate the correct TSV file at location <path-to-output-directory>/files@tby-ds1.tsv, excluding the values for the url.

If your dataset has a specific download URL for each file, this can then be added to the TSV file. This process can be done manually, or with another script. Since URLs vary substantially, there is no general script that would be able to do this for any files. However, an example script can be found at, which could be custimized to suit your own file url schema.