
This documentation provides you with step-wise instructions on how you can contribute data to the ABCD-J catalog. But, first things first…

What is a data catalog?#

A data catalog is a website that displays and organises information that you provide about your collected datasets. Have a look at the ABCD-J data catalog.

Why should you contribute to the ABCD-J data catalog?#

The purpose of this catalog is to encourage collaboration between partner sites. If all ABCD-J partners between Aachen (A), Bonn (B), Cologne (C), Düsseldorf (D), and Jülich (J) share a common data catalog (the ABCD-J catalog) which showcases their respective collected datasets, partners can more easily engage in potential collaborations with each other as they can see what data has already been collected at each site.

What is metadata?#

Metadata is information that describes a dataset, such as its title, description, author, date of collection, file format and size, etc. Importantly, metadata does not include the data files themselves. Metadata is also the format in which datasets are contributed to the ABCD-J catalog.

So how do I contribute metadata to the ABCD-J catalog?#

We’re glad you asked! Head over to the step-by-step Instructions.