
In this section we’ll take you through the process of contributing data to the ABCD-J catalog. In essence, it involves filling metadata properties into sheet-based forms and submitting the completed forms.

Step 1 - View the example sheets#

To familiarize yourself with the metadata format, we have constructed a complete metadata record that is ready for submission to a data catalog. You can access this in one of two ways:

The example record is about the Palmer Penguins dataset. You will see that the document contains several sheets, such as dataset, authors, etc. We will expand on these sections below.

Step 2 - Access the template sheets#

When filling in the metadata properties for your dataset, you can use empty template sheets to speed up the process. The template sheets can be accessed in one of two ways:

Step 3 - Fill in the metadata properties#

In the template document, you will find seven sheets, each sheet corresponding to a specific category of metadata with specific fields to be completed.

Figure 1 below shows how these categories appear in multiple sheets contained within the Excel document.

data catalog entry categories

The metadata categories (i.e. sheet names) are:

  • dataset - properties of the dataset itself (required)

  • data-controller - properties of the people or organizations in control of the data (required)

  • authors - authors or creators of the dataset (required)

  • funding - funding sources associated with the data (required)

  • publications - publications associated with the data

  • files - files that form part of the dataset

  • used-for - the purpose of the dataset

While only the dataset, data-controller, authors, and funding categories are required to be completed, we recommend completing as many categories and properties as possible in order to generate a more comprehensive record that enhances the display and accessibility of the dataset in the catalog.


The required aspect is applicable to both categories and properties. All required categories should be completed, and all required properties should be completed for any category that is completed.

Below we provide more specific information about the metadata categories and their respective properties.

dataset (required)#

This category contains the main descriptive properties of your dataset. Property names are given in the first column, and values should be entered in the second column (and possibly in the following columns). Recognized properties are:

name (required)

The name identifies the dataset uniquely within the ABCD-J project, and within the data catalog, i.e. there must not be different datasets with the same name. The name should be suitable for a directory/folder name. Spaces and special characters should be avoided.


If the dataset is structured as a DataLad dataset, the name property should be the DataLad dataset ID, and the type property should be datalad.

title (required)

This title will be the actual display name of the dataset the catalog. The language must be English.

description (required)

A general description of the dataset. It may summarize its purpose, scope, content, and potential applications. If a long description needs to be split into paragraphs, each paragraph can be put into a dedicated column in this row. The language must be English.

type (required)

The type of dataset, which provides a way for DataLad users to provide additional useful information. Options are custom (the default) or datalad. The latter should only be selected if the dataset is already structured as a DataLad dataset. In that case, the required name property of the dataset should be the DataLad dataset ID.

version (required)

A label that identifies the version of the dataset. If a dataset is unversioned, it is acceptable to state latest. Otherwise any numerical label (e.g., 1.2), or text label (e.g., GITSHA 7db210fb5) can be provided here. The version should change when the content of the dataset changes.

sample[organism] (required)

A classification of the organism(s) associated with, or studied for, the dataset. One or more organisms can be given, one per column.

Organisms must be identified by their ID in the NCBI organismal taxonomy, which can be searched at

For example, the identifier for human or homo sapiens is NCBITaxon:9606. The column value should be NCBITaxon:9606 in this case.

sample[organism-part] (required)

A classification of organism part(s) associated with, or studied for, the dataset. One or more organism parts can be given, one per column.

Organism parts must be identified by their ID in the Uber-anatomy ontology (UBERON), which can be searched at

For example, the identifier for upper limb segment is UBERON:0008785. The column value should be UBERON:0008785 in this case. As another example, the identifier for the brain is UBERON:0000955, but more precise definitions for individual brain structures are available.


Keywords describing the major topical themes of the dataset. Any number of keywords can be given, one keyword per column. Keywords aid the discoverability of a dataset.


A license document (URL) that applies to the dataset and defines the terms and conditions for use.


A Digital Object Identifier assigned to the dataset (e.g., from a data portal it was published in). The DOI should preferably point to the dataset version described in the catalog record.


A URL the catalog should advertise as the primary source of information/data on this dataset. This could be, for example, a dataset page in a data portal.


The date of the last modification of the described dataset (version), for example a release date. The date must be given in ISO 8601 format (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD).

data-controller (required)#

This category lists one or more entities (natural persons or organizations) that are (legally) responsible for a dataset, and serve as an official contact point regarding collaboration inquiries.

For datasets involving personal data (as defined in the European General Data Protection Regulation; GDPR) this category lists data controllers. For any other research datasets, these are typically the PIs of the involved project(s).

Property names are given in the first non-comment row, and values for each entity are given in subsequent rows (columns corresponding to the header row specification). Recognized properties are:

name (required)

The full name of the responsible entity. For example, the name of a project PI or a data protection officer.

email (required)

An email address with which the entity can be contacted. For example, the institutional email address of the project PI.


The type of data controller (either Person, or Organization).


A (postal) address for the responsible entity.

authors (required)#

This category lists one or more entities (natural persons or organizations) that are considered authors of the dataset. These authors need not be identical to an author list of an associated publication. Any entity listed in this category will be credited as an author on the catalog page of the dataset.

Property names are given in the first non-comment row, and values for each entity are given in subsequent rows (columns corresponding to the header row specification). Recognized properties are:

name (required)

The full name of the author.


An email address with which the author can be contacted.


ORCID of this author, to uniquely identify a researcher.


One or more names of organizations or institutions an author is affiliated with. Affiliations are free-form text. Multiple affiliations can be given by entering additional affiliations in new columns of the same row.

funding (required)#

This category lists one or more funding sources that are associated with the dataset and that shall be credited on the dataset’s catalog page.

Property names are given in the first non-comment row, and values for each entity are given in subsequent rows (columns corresponding to the header row specification). Recognized properties are:

funder (required)

The name of the funding body that provided the financial resources (typically in the form of a grant) that funded the creation/collection of the dataset.

grant (required)

A grant identifier. This is typically a funder-specific project code.


A persistent online addres for the specific grant.


This category lists one or more publications associated with the dataset and that shall be credited on the dataset’s catalog page.

Property names are given in the first non-comment row, and values for each entity are given in subsequent rows (columns corresponding to the header row specification). Recognized properties are:

citation (required, but optional if doi is specified)

A free-form text citation for the publication that enables the publication record to be displayed on the catalog page. All citations in a metadata record should use a common, and homogeneous format.


A Digital Object Identifier (URL, starting with for a publication. This enables publication DOI display on a catalog page, persistently identifies the publication, and enables metadata retrieval from bibliographic databases.


A URL pointing to the publication. A corresponding link is placed on the dataset page in the catalog. This need not be given when a publication DOI is specified.


Date of publication in ISO 8601 format (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD), but year alone is also sufficient.



For help with generating automatic filelists for your dataset, please see the secion: For maintainers. For further assistance, contact the ABCD-J support team at

This category lists one or more files that form part of the dataset.

Property names are given in the first non-comment row, and values for each entity are given in subsequent rows (columns corresponding to the header row specification). Recognized properties are:

path[POSIX] (required)

The relative path of the file (within the dataset) in POSIX/UNIX notation, i.e. using forward slashes as separators. This enables display of a file tree on the dataset catalog page. Tip: do not include a top-level directory that matches the dataset name, because the files are already understood as being part of the dataset.


The file size in bytes. This property enables (total) size information in the catalog record and the file tree on the dataset catalog page.


The MD5 checksum (“fingerprint”) of the file, which enables content/download verification.


The file content URL, which allows (possibly access-protected) download of that particular file. This enables the display of a download button for that specific file on the dataset catalog page.


This table lists one or more activities/projects that the dataset has been or is presently being used for.

Property names are given in the first non-comment row, and values for each entity are given in subsequent rows (columns corresponding to the header row specification). Recognized properties are:

title (required)

A title for the activity/project. This will be displayed on the dataset page in the catalog.


A URL pointing to a web page representing the activity/project, or providing information on it. A corresponding link is shown on the dataset page in the catalog.


A description of the activity/project, possibly focused on the role/association of the dataset in it. If a long description needs to be split into paragraphs, each paragraph can be put into a dedicated column. The language must be English.

Step 4 - Share the metadata!#

Once you have completed all the required (and ideally also the optional) metadata categories and properties, your metadata document with its completed sheets will be almost ready to share. Please follow these steps:

Name the document#

Rename your document to use the following format: <partner-code>_<dataset-title>.

  • The partner-code should be A, B, C, D, or J (for Aachen, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Jülich).

  • The dataset-title should be the same as the title metadata property completed in the dataset category/sheet.

  • Please use dashes (-) to separate words in the title (no spaces).

For example, if a dataset titled “Movies in the scanner” was collected at Research Center Jülich, the metadata document name should be J_Movies-in-the-scanner.

Share the document#

You can share the document in several ways:

  • Send an Excel document (.xlsx) as an attachment via email.

  • Upload an Excel document to your sharing service of choice and provide a download link.

  • Upload an Excel document to Google Sheets and provide an access link.

  • Provide an access link to a Google Sheets document.

Please direct all email communication to the ABCD-J support team at